Thursday, October 19, 2006

How To Get Puss And Blood Out Of Your Ear


A week ago he had his first outing in the garden. For a moment was a bit unsettling the idea of \u200b\u200bsending a baby so small (2 years old) on an excursion. Iban to go to the farm Buenos Aires Zoo. Obviously going to have fun, going to learn something new. But also, obviously, a few hours and would not remember anything and perhaps because of his age, it would be an experience that might provide too. But never hesitate to let go.
worried me more than anything the trip if the bus had seat belts (the garden at the zoo have more or less than 40 blocks). I assume that teachers ignore them. Uli and I pictured his classmates, so little ones, sit-in that great micro!. Luckily everything went great. They behaved well, home made bread on the farm, he was fed to the animals (which is encouraged), then snack on the bread they made and returned to the garden. I remember being at that time at work and every time I remember the trip. I was a little nervous. OK. By exaggerating a bit there. But it's hard to go peeling it off of you. Knowing that makes a lot of things but you're next, controlling everything. The garden is something that I took of entry. But these outlets will cost a bit more. Taking

accounts among all the birthdays lately and these activities are extra ... Ulises has more social life than me!

Meet the farm animals

Pan Kneading