Monday, June 4, 2007

Miu Miu Bag Bow Satchel

Yesterday I left a message on the page of Uli, in which I said I had to update the blog. It's true. I re hung.

All this time spent hundreds of things important to me, maybe not so much for the rest. Living

thousand all the time, try to do more things that one can, Ulysses is very restless, jumps, runs, infatuated, he gets angry, he wants our attention all the time. I want to use the machine will not let me do too much. Ulises renewed my site, I put new photos, drawings ... in order.

I'm making a new women's football site, I'm getting a lot of work, and I can not find enough time to complete. Many projects, little time.

Well, I stop mourn a while. My son is every day more beautiful. Restless, talkative (in your language course), big, mischievous, happy. It is a joyful and loving boy. I took the time completely. I try to hide it, but it is so .. This baby I can.

I would have liked this blog entry is called "A Time of Changes 2," was that when Odysseus had intended to leave the diapers .. Finally .. will be for later. Ulysses is 2 years old and almost 10 months and no intention of leaving. Say that know that up to 3 years is normal. This is a topic that makes me anxious, I'm tired of changing diapers. When I tell news. (I like to listen to advice)

Until next time .. I hope you spend less time