Sunday, July 1, 2007

How Do Chicken Pox Spots Look At The Start

Flag Matos family hung enough

Back on June 20 asked us to do the family flag.
What can we do? we identified the 3?

seems an easy issue but it is not. It is hard to find home a piece of fabric, more so if we agree to make the flag last night to deliver it.
sacrificed a yellow pillow my sister gave me. With the fabric front, we started throwing ideas .. We like at 3? Definitely music. My husband is a musician, I always liked to hear (nothing else to listen .. I have heard zero, always say you can not make out a trumpet and a violin .. is true!) And Uli is a kid who likes to shout, loves to listen, sing, make beats ..
Another thing that unites us is the Internet. Definitely internet. At 3. Tendrian que ver lo que es Ulises navegando..
En fin.. tela amarilla, cinco lineas paralelas, reemplazamos la clave de sol por una @.. las notas se convirtieron en smiles...
Aca va una imagen de la bandera. Algo deteriorada, porque estuvo colgada en el frente del jardin.

Les paso un dato : Esta noche Alejandro toca en The Cavern. Es rock progresivo, buenas letras. Esta presentando su disco "Persona". Si les interesa, aca va el sitio donde pueden leer las letras y escuchar fragmentos de los temas
El 19 toca en "Loca Bohemia" en caballito. Los lectores del Blog de mi mamá, tienen entradas con descuentos!!!!!