Thursday, September 11, 2008

My Plugins In Simcity Are Not Working

The Red Salita photo

Yesterday I gave the photo of the living room of Ulysses.
My first thought when I did a broad overview of the photo was: where our babies?
The picture is a lot of kids and girls who took the places of babies every morning moms and dads leave the Red Room Elephants in the garden. And I do not exaggerate. I'm sure if you ask every mother who went through your mind is something similar.
You see the kids grow. He realizes that they are higher, because they fall short pants. They need new shoes. Remerita you are leaving the girls. But they are stuffed all these indications with good attitudes babies. We hug, ask us kisses. We throw tantrums. Upa want. They pout when we challenge. They have difficulty pronouncing some words. In short, all these things together we get confused. What of the pants is a detail, my baby is a little longer, but still a baby. The shoes are already old ladies, I bought a number but "just in case", "to be served later (Error!!! That day that will bring perfect fit!).

But the picture is somewhat different. They lack all these aggregates. Then there are all together. So we see not only our son is bigger, but we began to realize the other boys as they grew ( is easier to see in other ). Imagine
I know many of the classmates from Ulysses for over 3 years. And now I see so big!

The picture this year was again yearbook style. Still does not convince me much. Ulysses left smiling, his hair very long ...

One now understands the words that tell all mothers enjoy it that time flies. Uli

.. not grow so fast!!

(if you want to visit the previous photos Uli