Thursday, September 3, 2009

How Gay Friendly Is Antigua?

hair I'll be back (that should have said in Oct '08)

At some point he would write again.

is true that happened a long time. Not that he had nothing to tell (I have a lot to tell and today I start with heavy artillery). Neither lack of time (1st confession: in mid-March I quit my job at the bank, to initiate new activities.) Neither lack of desire (I have much affection to my blog, I received many messages cornered the people who read and love). What I know, time goes very fast, plus I'm pretty disorganized, and I went from not have no time to enjoy many free time, I spend the day doing the things I want, but much less stressed than before.

The first post on my return I will dedicate it to college.

part 1: Ulysses

met on August 20 5. The garden where he is from 3 months is up living room of 4, meaning that next year's new cole. Our intention was to send him to private school, accessible, close to home, secular (exclusive requirement.) Vacancies in schools run out the year before the kids start, crazy. 4 blocks from home is the College Alas, de Villa Crespo (Lavalleja and Corrientes). I really liked. I went to see in February and was told that after the winter break beginning the interviews. Well done, this is the school, I thought. To wait until July.

2 ยบ part

Something never told here, not because I have a problem saying, but never did, is that Ulysses is in psychological treatment from 3 years (started a week before the accident from my mom). What we felt very lonely, far away. Very thoughtful and reflective for a boy of 3 years old. Obviously, new parents, with nephews and adolescents, one does not remember as a child of 3 years. How it behaves. That is expected and not. My concern is when we begin to take it birthdays, and we saw it with 15 kids his age. Well, it was very distressing that time, Uli did not behave anything like the rest. I gave terror that is autistic or something. Search and tortured me with internet: it does, this too, luckily it did not, that tampocco. Anyway, in short, would take too long to tell my feelings at that time, did a psychodiagnostic and decided, along with the psychologist, begin treatment.
The progress was remarkable. It is another baby. Integrated, bright, friendly, affectionate, full of friends. It has some things to keep working: the total control of sphincters, which bothers us most. But I'm proud of what he achieved at this time.

3rd party I do not want to wait until July. I have fear of losing the vacant school. I ask for an interview and we agree with the academic coordinator of the garden (or some similar title). Very cordial interview, all very nice. I did not think that anything Uli treatment. Let intuition. But Germany posed a question that thinking now of the time was right. Cabinet was asked as psycho as Ulysses to therapy. Obviously the answer is that the kids are concerned, they are attentive, and others work together.
A week later, Ulysses had an interview with the psychologist of the garden. Over an hour of interview (it seemed that most a garden that was to go to Harvard). Incredible
what they asked: What do circles, squares, rombitos, dashes (I thought it was the same as you do when you are looking for work). I drew a cat, a house and asked him well say he was I type! 4 years old kids who want to enter preschool! why not lie?

4th and last part

is around June 20. I ask you to confirm me if Uli is going to come to stay calm. Ends in June and July is the hand of influenza A. The first 15 days there were people working. I ask them to confirm the position. If you call, stay tranqui. Come the winter holidays. Begins in August. I telephone. Yes, I advised. Speak with the psychologist Uli. Re good chat.
In short, 3 or 4 days later I called to tell me that in November they were going to take another psychological evaluation to see how it evolves. So what?? I said. I'll wait until November? Why? I do not understand. On the other side of the phone, the person who called me the truth is not sure to tell me.

Since that day I ask myself: Do not let them have calmer kids whose parents worry and care for them? There is a lot of kids with behavioral problems, they should do something violent and parents to look the other way?

insurance decision took the director Uli not met. I repeat: College Alas, Lavalleja 250 - Capital Federal.
First I started to mourn in anger. Then I got really mad and I thought it could do. In the end, I started to call schools and is already enrolled in a very nice, I'm very happy.

I find it regrettable. This should happen in many schools, which have the luxury of saying you enter and you do not, as a kind of patovica bowling, and as there is much demand as schools fill their vacancies.
repeat: Ulysses is brilliant. Just turned 5 years and have learned to read and write. Almost alone. Loves music. Compu handles better than many (You probably better than the director of school).
I try to upload to your website is doing things ( ).

was re is that throughout the story. I guess I write because I was with anger and that perhaps is not the only one that happened.
In short, I thought to end this post with a silly joke, style "I cut the wings ...". But no. I'm gonna end with a quote from the conversation with this person who called me to warn me not taking it to Uli:

me: "But, you learned that Uli was going to the psychologist because we told them. And if not we say anything? was happening? "
person: "That's honest of you"
me: "Obviously, honesty is not something that is valued in this school. Chau"