Thursday, August 30, 2007

Creative Extigy For Sale

Last day of August - to End August

Good Bye August, with this Agloco Girl - Despedimoa Girl Agloco August this Join Agloco - Agloco Join

To know more about Agloco - Agloco To learn all about

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Cheats For Pokemon Chaos Black

Wednesday and is time for a two Agloco Girls - Two Girls on Wednesday

click the images to enlarge - click on images to see full size

Which of
Them you like more? Which one you like best?

And remember Agloco is going to make the firist pay at the end of Summer

Remember that AGLOCO will make the first payment by the end of this summer

Monday, August 27, 2007

Pumpkin Templates For Teachers

Agloco Agloco Agloco Update

August 23 , 2007 at 9:50 a.m.:

Revenue - We are excited That We Have One of Our signed major partnerships Earlier this week revenue. We Will Be making the formal announcement later. While Anyone can sign up for automatic revenue sharing deals (Which we of course did), getting a better company to work With their own internal system to start to take Advantage of the Viewbar's Capabilities is very exciting to us. I know for some of you it seems a long time coming (and to us as much as any Member). But the Viewbar has been out less than 90 days. And no responsible company would deal seriously with AGLOCO until the Viewbar was released and stabilized. So we are very please to have cleared all the technical and legal reviews necessary to sign this agreement. It will take our partners tech team 3 to 5 weeks to complete their work, so you should see changes occurring after that time.

Also, thank you to those of you who gave us leads for other potential European and Asian partners. If any of you works in one of those companies please contact us as it makes it easier if someone in the company is an AGLOCO Member to help us.

Tech Update The tech team reported that our move to new servers was completed last week. Early reports are faster downloading for most locations. Also, the correction for showing all hours has been made so that hours for June, July and August are now included in the totals column. Projects like fixing the Tucows downloads, updating the website and emails to all Members are next on the list.

Media – We have received a lot of positive emails about Mike Klingler’s interview with Brian recently. In it, he talked about the AGLOCO Vision and he answered some questions about the company’s current progress and trajectory.

Join Agloco now

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Mera Naam Joker Picnic

Sunday's Girl - Girl Put

First of all, There Are updates / news from Agloco official blog, see Mad About Agloco at

First of all, there is news from official Agloco blog can see a Crazy Agloco
  • Agloco Is Not Only one Girl for Sunday, today is double Agloco Girl and if you want to download (right click and save as)
  • For today Sunday is not just a Girl Agloco, two Agloco Girls and can download (save)
And do not forget: register at Agloco - Agloco Join

Click to enlarge - Click to enlarge

Have a nice Sunday-Spend a good Sunday!

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Party Invitation Tiltles

toad Mission accomplished

passed fulfilled. It was a lot of work on the boxes, but worth it. The kids loved it. It would re happy with your backyardigan all the manito. I had forgotten photo shoot, but Diana, a friend and experienced photographer was in the detail and took several. I made the bags with some candy, party favors toys, and obviously, the page advertising Uli (somewhat fanatical I). And I also made the cake. It was not like I imagined (I always go through the roof and I guess super productions, but finally after I give the time or ability). Next year I will bring my sister, who lives in Bariloche and is a genius, the closure for a week to work on the super 4-year project, which is already beginning to turn in my head.
But back to this meet. It was a lot of people (some kids were missing from the garden, some friends mine were not) but still had a touch of people. The salon is very good. It has a giant baseball (that Ulysses was delighted, as he did not want to download or to receive the gifts).
Well, what else can we tell: My son is re big, it's amazing how fast it grows. And it is every day more beautiful. Happy birthday, Uli!

Thanks: Selene Thank you for your help with the piggy! Thanks Mom for the pies! Thanks Diana for being more proactive than me!

Links: ( or ))

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Gaviscon Get Rid Of Nausea

A full

August 20 is the birthday of Uli. 3 years. Incredible .. Homecoming
player. There are more than 20 children under 3 years guests (now understand why a player is ..).
The cake will be the Backyardigans. The souvenirs too. If I have time, I would like to make the visor with the characters. Not really much you like Ulysses or me. Anyway ..
I have only one week for this megaproject .. one week in the evenings ... I look forward to everything. I will put the photos when you have them.
The 21/08 write another post to comment as he walked around.