Monday, September 3, 2007

Giant Boobs And High Heels


Ulises never liked stuffed animals. Some gave him a kid. Other inherited them from me. Premium. Never liked. Always pull the bed up, as though with anger .. Wants nothing.
I always wanted them to take care. I think they are a good company, both for play and bedtime. So I insisted with the puppets (a teddy bear, a dog, a crocodile, an earthquake, my old doll Julian Anselmo ...). But it was impossible.
I was about to give up but a few days before Uli is 3 years, I thought of buying any of the Backyardigans. But when I went to the toy store I did not like either. They were well done. And there I remembered the new character of the room: Pepe toad.
Actually, rereading your child's diary of the garden, I find a note of the design inputs that met in late March this new friend. We learn of their existence because he finished a story, Ulysses said: Reading Rockets, the story of the toad Pepe finished.

But it is not easy to find the original, which you may say, Mr. Sapo Pepe: I was exhausted. If you search the internet, he realizes that the frog in question, as a mom says in his blog ( Sapia Family Elias) is a personality in kindergarten. A song, a story, sachets of birthday hats, stickers, etc..

Like the original Pepe frog was not there, I saw another very nice, very happy that he accepted the name of Pepe ... and bought it.

Ulises loves. She hugs, gives kisses. He talks. Sleeps with him. A novelty.
And I'm happy. Hopefully discover that toys can be great friends for a long, long time ... (Recently I've gone mine, when I gave them to him, will that be too long?)

Sapo Pepe Thanks !!!!!


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