Monday, October 8, 2007

Homemade Poultry Watering Systems

of advertising and rock

a little while ago (do not know if it is still in the air) had an advertisement for a yogurt, in which a person came with a microphone (the truth is not known whether it was a character or not, do not watch much television air) entered the house of a family and offered to a woman with her child to try a yogurt, which of course they loved, they said it was creamy and rich, etc, etc. And the woman in question, said a phrase I detest, she said she was good for the yogurt, because " am a mom who is always a thousand ." As if life were only mom!.

I understand that for all women who have children, they become by far the most important thing in our lives. But from there to depersonalized so that one is just a "mom", a "wife" or whatever, I think. The phrase would be better: am a woman who is always a thousand , so this yogurt would make it easier for me .....

I think this is a mistake which we all have to fight to not fall, because we are in life many things, among them mothers, girlfriends, wives, daughters, heads or employees, friends ... And we can with everything. Yet.

What's all this? the truth is not very good .. Going to start this post to pass the invitation to a concert that my husband does on Wednesday 10/10 .. and I did start it so ... the end of the day ....

would be good to visit Page:

and videos on youtube: watch? v = 0OPc135opcg


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