Monday, February 28, 2011

Sony Trv900 Baby Death

Bol CB 85 - 84 CBNarderiros

Party for the second day of the league trophy peer group of North County Council ....

When we got to the flag of Herve had a game of football. Upon entering I saw my high school teammate Charlie getting a goal with his classic Atleti shirt. The thing was heating up and the end almost come to blows. We all fell silent looking at both what was happening on the track and in the stands, at that time was when someone told her to stay for as those who were watching the football will be warm the thing ... and apparently it was. Nothing more start the game from the stands you could hear everything and that my point of view is well, very well that this man is playing at home and certainly for those who play is a joy to be in such an environment but is a provincial league. Now I do not know to what extent they were engaged in patido or what they like basketball to the four that were making people go wrong that we had to watch the game, including children, who even had to stop the meeting.

What is the difference thrilling match was less than ten points with a tight end who won the local computer.
My deepest congratulations to all players Hervás and wish Matt (I think that's her name) to be recovered back as soon as possible, was not looking good at the moment ...

is a shame to have lost and that this result makes us almost certainly be out semifinals.

1 HERVAS CB 7 to 0
2 infograf THE DATA 7 to 1 3 CB
4 CP Montehermoso 2 to 5
5 ADK Navalmoral 1 to 4 6 CB CORIA
COPAL 0 to 6

Scores: 1, 18-19, 29-27 2 º, 3 º 4 º 23-18 and 15-20.

Points: Herre 4; Berro 5; Fabri 7, Carlos 10, Sergio 11, Peter 11; Riqui 11; Luisma 12 and Alex 13.

Next Data matches will be against the 12/03/2011 at 18:00


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