Friday, October 24, 2008

Creative Wedding Wordings In Tamil Kavithai

does it cost so much? Today is my day

Amazingly .. continue in the fight to take home permanently diapers ...
I can not remember the first time I wrote something about it .. was so long ago ... The situation as of today is a little stagnant: Ulysses controls pee day .. so no poop or pee at night (which is the least of my worries).
tried everything: joy, anger, bribery, threats, rewards, punishments. Put calzoncillitos (and washing). Put the "shorcito to walk" and "sleeping shorcito (normally the pull ups, Huggies, which cost a fortune).
An incentive system, which consists of a cardboard with a grid where every time you poop in the toilet is a Stikker with a number ... in theory, to reach number 30, the prize was a guitar ..... (I should clarify that Stikker were stuck in the No. 13 for 15 days).
I bought a book called "Paper Tomas", with very explicit drawings of what is poop in the toilet .. Ulises
know the rules, the grid, the stikkers and memory book ... But nothing works more than 1 day ...

This theme runs me ..... and I run out of imagination and no desire to change diapers.

Ulises has 4 years and 2 months .... I will be legally forced to change diapers to adulthood ?????????

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Velorex Oscar For Sale

Thanks mom for making me Ulysses! I love you!

Thursday, September 11, 2008

My Plugins In Simcity Are Not Working

The Red Salita photo

Yesterday I gave the photo of the living room of Ulysses.
My first thought when I did a broad overview of the photo was: where our babies?
The picture is a lot of kids and girls who took the places of babies every morning moms and dads leave the Red Room Elephants in the garden. And I do not exaggerate. I'm sure if you ask every mother who went through your mind is something similar.
You see the kids grow. He realizes that they are higher, because they fall short pants. They need new shoes. Remerita you are leaving the girls. But they are stuffed all these indications with good attitudes babies. We hug, ask us kisses. We throw tantrums. Upa want. They pout when we challenge. They have difficulty pronouncing some words. In short, all these things together we get confused. What of the pants is a detail, my baby is a little longer, but still a baby. The shoes are already old ladies, I bought a number but "just in case", "to be served later (Error!!! That day that will bring perfect fit!).

But the picture is somewhat different. They lack all these aggregates. Then there are all together. So we see not only our son is bigger, but we began to realize the other boys as they grew ( is easier to see in other ). Imagine
I know many of the classmates from Ulysses for over 3 years. And now I see so big!

The picture this year was again yearbook style. Still does not convince me much. Ulysses left smiling, his hair very long ...

One now understands the words that tell all mothers enjoy it that time flies. Uli

.. not grow so fast!!

(if you want to visit the previous photos Uli

Sunday, August 31, 2008

Does Anyone Like Luigino

Happy International Blog Day

Last year I found a message greeting me with "The International Day of the Blog" and telling me that I had posted ( .)
This year, more attentive, I will join the general idea of \u200b\u200bposting 5 blogs. They are all outside my area, but about very different to mine. I hope they make a tour of them all:

1 - aguantelacofradia
"The Brotherhood" is the continuation of the blog "Incunabula postlude," the first blog dedicated entirely to and has Argentine Rock sole purpose of rescuing from oblivion the music I was blown away by several generations.
2 - ruidosagrado
order to build, we need a lot of knowledge and hard work consistently. To destroy, we need a club and some random work. But what happens if we learn to build with a hammer? That is the Sacred Noise.
3 -
Accent Creative - web design studio and professional photography
4 - ellipse neogrup
This blog is just starting, a boy band is also beginning Bariloche ... "one of our most expressive, which comes from a dream about clouds, is dedicated to those who like to see things slow "...
5 - Leandono's Blog Resources
web design, joomla!, tutorials, opinion, some news ...

Monday, August 25, 2008

Body Waxing For Men Singapore

Well .. I have a tendency to leave things to the last minute.
justified by the lack of time, free the few short hours I have left every day, I stretched to the limit the time to start developing the ideas that spin in my head, reaching a Timing Precision such that ALWAYS get to do all that I intend to and always, inevitably, ended minutes before the party.

This year he decided to do a meet more thematic. As Uli already growing, and the Frog Pepe is a figure who accompanies the kids more little ones, we decided to give a farewell as he deserved: Cake, Headbands, Boxes and Souvenirs .. Obviously, all handmade by me (with the invaluable help of my niece Selene).

cake, home, was something like an island of toads Pepes, desansando, swimming, sleeping ...
Headbands arose from the lack of a market caps of frogs, plastic, very cute, which were imported and do not bring more. By not getting the caps, I decided to make a visor de Sapo Pepe. Wood as I am drawing, I asked my sister Fernanda do me a drawing with the visor. But I never left. Then decided to change it to a headband with Pepe.
As was buying bags birthday? too easy. I had to complicate my life, as I did in all the compliments of Ulysses, making the bags myself, with cardboard microcorrugated. But to make squares and simple? And if I put my best bellows in the middle and I make the curved top edge, with 2 big eyes, so as is Pepe? Yes, that will take me more time ... I like the idea. Obviously, the skills acquired in just the last toad ....
and souvenirs ........ I love the souvenirs that count for something. If you are a adornito at any time is thrown out there .. Instead, something that works for some, it is easier to endure ... Year past were piggy bank. This year I like to picture frames. Cold porcelain, Pepe A toad with the hook for the photo.
Well, I lied a little something. I did not get time to write the little sign "Thanks for coming to my birthday." I have the problem that I have trouble delegating things .. I thought and I never do.
I need to clarify that the headbands, the boxes and souvenirs were 30!! Let's add

food (I got the help of my brother with pies and my sister with the mini - lemon pie (this delirium I tell in another post)

The meet went well, in next post a bit more detail .. People always

ask me to make me so complicated. I always say that I have a mouth bigger than the brain .. And while there was no need to get to do everything, she had not promised to anyone ... In me he had promised to Uli, and that was enough for me to stay almost without sleep for two nights ..

Ah! I celebrate the birthday on Sunday 24 and started all over on Thursday night ...

Here are some pics ...

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Business Object Scheduling

Edge Uli Happy Birthday! Beware

Today my baby is 4 years ...
On Sunday 24 we make little party ... This year, Sapo Pepe.
(I still have to make headbands, souvenirs, cake, pies, pizzas, something sweet) Finally .. I'm always ...

Happy Birthday, pichongo!

love you!

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Ongoing Property Rates In Kharghar


When Ulysses was 2 years, I thought to give him a tricycle.

At that time he was full with his "Rondi" (a species of rhinoceros, which had already lost several body parts). Through the house at full speed. I really enjoyed it. What's more, as of today, still uses it and I think that is the object with the most time played so far. He was also the typical toy drive and another who was to learn to walk, a very cute puppy ears, but moving towards a terrible noise.

But approaching the day of the meet and I wanted to give a tricycle. That year was not met in baseball, so he wanted to give something nice.
I leave on Saturday morning (the birthday fell on a Sunday) and there begin a series of errors.

1 - I'm going to the toy store without Ulysses. You think you know the dimensions of your child. But it is not so. In the toy had a lot of tricycles: The common and little ones, Barney, police motorcycle ... and Duck.
2 - I look at the tricycle more sympathetic, more colorful .. I loved the Duck. I still do not take into account the size of Ulysses.
3 - I ask the seller (he had less idea than me) a tricycle for a child who is 2 years shows me the little one, that of Barney .. and the Duck
4 - Do not examined in great detail the trike (I had already decided, I had the Duck)
5 - Buy the Duck.
6 - I come home in the Duck.

is today, almost two years later (Uli on August 20 is 4 years), the feet do not reach the pedals. You can not give full circle ... It is a giant duck, designed for guys who when they get to handle it, prefer to extract the record and ask the car to the father.

Pegaditas under the seat (that I find out days later), had a label saying "Not suitable for children under 3 years." And they fell short. When I go down the street and I see similar tricycles (there are white ducks, roses, yellow like Uli) will never see the kids to pedal ... Always push ... Why do not reach the pedals! That

a bit .. I'm glad I'm not alone .. From this alone the idea of \u200b\u200bme giving advice ...
not trust your visual memory. Take the child in question to the toy.
Ducks are still many loose!

Ulysses Rondi

Ulysses and the puppy screaming Rondi

Ulysses Duck

Ulises In this picture three years. Look at the distance between the pedals and their little feet!!

Thursday, March 20, 2008 Offline

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Saturday, March 8, 2008

Sample Price Reduction Request Letter

After a difficult few months, I think it's time to completely return to things I was doing (blog included). While obviously this time I continued working and doing some extra stuff, I recovered completely and leave many things out (blog included). Uli

began this week, "Red Elephants Salita." Think that did not comply with the 4 years and went through 4 colors! (Lila - Blue - yellow and red now.) Some conservative mother can be a bit frightening. I do not.

returned to the garden with many batteries, del Sapo Pepe new backpack, new notebook, several things to buy for the garden, new quota value (nothing is perfect) ...

holidays we spent at home, and face a difficult issue that we have almost 100% dominated: Potty definitely. They say that every guy has his time. Ulises time in this area is slow. We still lack the control night, but I think we move to eradicate the diapers in this house in a short time. Choose

Women's Day to return to my blog .. Who can imagine it dedicate ..

Here is a picture of Ulysses more current .. seem to know what does not?