Sunday, August 31, 2008

Does Anyone Like Luigino

Happy International Blog Day

Last year I found a message greeting me with "The International Day of the Blog" and telling me that I had posted ( .)
This year, more attentive, I will join the general idea of \u200b\u200bposting 5 blogs. They are all outside my area, but about very different to mine. I hope they make a tour of them all:

1 - aguantelacofradia
"The Brotherhood" is the continuation of the blog "Incunabula postlude," the first blog dedicated entirely to and has Argentine Rock sole purpose of rescuing from oblivion the music I was blown away by several generations.
2 - ruidosagrado
order to build, we need a lot of knowledge and hard work consistently. To destroy, we need a club and some random work. But what happens if we learn to build with a hammer? That is the Sacred Noise.
3 -
Accent Creative - web design studio and professional photography
4 - ellipse neogrup
This blog is just starting, a boy band is also beginning Bariloche ... "one of our most expressive, which comes from a dream about clouds, is dedicated to those who like to see things slow "...
5 - Leandono's Blog Resources
web design, joomla!, tutorials, opinion, some news ...


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