Monday, August 25, 2008

Body Waxing For Men Singapore

Well .. I have a tendency to leave things to the last minute.
justified by the lack of time, free the few short hours I have left every day, I stretched to the limit the time to start developing the ideas that spin in my head, reaching a Timing Precision such that ALWAYS get to do all that I intend to and always, inevitably, ended minutes before the party.

This year he decided to do a meet more thematic. As Uli already growing, and the Frog Pepe is a figure who accompanies the kids more little ones, we decided to give a farewell as he deserved: Cake, Headbands, Boxes and Souvenirs .. Obviously, all handmade by me (with the invaluable help of my niece Selene).

cake, home, was something like an island of toads Pepes, desansando, swimming, sleeping ...
Headbands arose from the lack of a market caps of frogs, plastic, very cute, which were imported and do not bring more. By not getting the caps, I decided to make a visor de Sapo Pepe. Wood as I am drawing, I asked my sister Fernanda do me a drawing with the visor. But I never left. Then decided to change it to a headband with Pepe.
As was buying bags birthday? too easy. I had to complicate my life, as I did in all the compliments of Ulysses, making the bags myself, with cardboard microcorrugated. But to make squares and simple? And if I put my best bellows in the middle and I make the curved top edge, with 2 big eyes, so as is Pepe? Yes, that will take me more time ... I like the idea. Obviously, the skills acquired in just the last toad ....
and souvenirs ........ I love the souvenirs that count for something. If you are a adornito at any time is thrown out there .. Instead, something that works for some, it is easier to endure ... Year past were piggy bank. This year I like to picture frames. Cold porcelain, Pepe A toad with the hook for the photo.
Well, I lied a little something. I did not get time to write the little sign "Thanks for coming to my birthday." I have the problem that I have trouble delegating things .. I thought and I never do.
I need to clarify that the headbands, the boxes and souvenirs were 30!! Let's add

food (I got the help of my brother with pies and my sister with the mini - lemon pie (this delirium I tell in another post)

The meet went well, in next post a bit more detail .. People always

ask me to make me so complicated. I always say that I have a mouth bigger than the brain .. And while there was no need to get to do everything, she had not promised to anyone ... In me he had promised to Uli, and that was enough for me to stay almost without sleep for two nights ..

Ah! I celebrate the birthday on Sunday 24 and started all over on Thursday night ...

Here are some pics ...


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